Tag: v6

Showing all 3 results

  • Frontier V6 – All-Terrain MWD Electric Wheelchair

    For Ultimate Outdoor Adventure
    Our most popular powered wheelchair worldwide, the Magic Mobility Frontier V6 All Terrain Mid Wheel Drive (MWD) is ideal for the outdoors, yet its size makes it a capable indoor performer. The low-pressure tyres provide a smoother ride and the articulating front bogie arms provide increased climbing ability, providing tremendous off-road and kerb climbing capacity.

  • Frontier V6 – Compact 73 MWD Electric Wheelchair

    The Ultimate Urban Compact
    The Magic Mobility Frontier V6 Compact 73 Mid Wheel Drive (MWD) powered wheelchair is the ultimate urban compact. Built on our adjustable and robust frame, and with mid-sized castor arms, you can take on challenging urban environments, kerbs and potholes with ease. Not the biggest, not the smallest but just right. This ultimate compact will give you improved freedom in and around the streets.

  • Frontier V6 – Hybrid MWD Electric Wheelchair

    For the Best of Both Worlds
    The Magic Mobility Frontier V6 Hybrid Mid Wheel Drive (MWD) powered wheelchair brings together the best of all possible worlds. Designed to cruise, the Hybrid is the versatile and flexible chair for the busy user. All options are on the table. It’s a straightforward upgrade to all terrain capability with a simple off-road wheel change.